
Step By Step to Your Goal

  When you transfer from an institution of higher education to one in the U.S. it is important that you do it correctly. At Excella Education, we have resources available to offer you the best transfer
advice and information.

Background Image

What Can We Do for You


Transfer credit, major, and school.


Research, select, and decide.


Applications, supplemental documents, and essays.

Please Apply Before

Fall Semester
Priority deadline NOV 30 th
Final deadline APR 1 th
Spring Semester
Priority deadline AUG 31 th
Final deadline Oct 1 th



Contact us

Meet with one of our experienced University Transfer Consultants to research the schools and programs that are the most suitable for you from nearly 3000 universities.


Research schools

You will be advised of the detailed admission requirements and deadlines from each selected university.


Prepare application

Based on each university’s requirements, we will help you to prepare your application package including how to complete applications and prepare the necessary supplemental documents.


Track and monitor status

We will assist you in tracking and monitoring your application status.


Get new I-20

Besides obtaining admission to a selected school, students must comply with SEVIS rules when they transfer from one school to another. We will assist you in transferring your SEVIS from your current school to your next school.


Help with new tasks

Including physical relocation, there are many tasks for you to do before getting settled down in your new school. We will help you with this transition.


  • Who is considered a transfer student?

    Any student who has completed some credit hours at a two or four year college.

  • Do I need a TOEFL or IELTS score to apply for transfer admission?

    Some universities require it. Others waive it if you have an associate degree or have successfully completed two college level English classes.

  • What is the minimum GPA for transfer admission?

    It varies from school to school.

  • Should I have an associate’s degree to transfer?

    No. You can transfer at any time as long as you meet the school's transfer admission requirement. However, we recommend that students get an associate’s degree before transferring.