
Thousand Opportunities Await You

Excella Education helps you to learn about education in the U.S. and to select the best program for you. We offer a streamlined application process to guide you to your dream school.


12 - 18 months

prior to U.S. study

Research your choices to find a school that best fits your needs and goals.

12 - 14 months

prior to U.S. study

Register and prepare to take a test:

10 - 12 months

prior to U.S. study

Complete your application and
prepare your application package.

3 - 9 months

prior to U.S. study

Arrange financing for your studies.

2 - 5 months

prior to U.S. study

Apply for your Student Visa.

1 - 3 months

prior to U.S. study

Prepare for your departure.


  • How many universities should I apply to?

    You can apply to as many as you want, but we recommend that you apply to between 5 and 10 schools.

  • Are international students required to take the TOEFL or IELTS to go to university in the U.S.?

    A Strong English skills are necessary for successful study at university in the U.S.

  • Are international students required to take the SAT or ACT?

    Most universities do not require an exam score to be considered for admission. However, if you are applying for a very prestigious university, the school will require an SAT exam score.  

  • Do universities offer 'conditional admission' to the international students who have not achieved English proficiency?

    Some universities do when you have a very good academic record. Such an offer will require you to achieve English language proficiency before you can be fully admitted to the school.